Mission The Herb Society is dedicated to promoting the knowledge, use and delight of herbs through educational programs, research, and sharing the experience of its members with the community.
Activities The Herb Society – Grosse Pointe Unit designs and maintains the four herb plots at the Grosse Pointe War Memorial in the Trial Gardens as well as the herb garden at THE HELM at the BOLL LIFE CENTER. The annual spring herb sale and autumn Herb & Holly Boutique are popular events the Unit sponsors for the community. In addition, a spring educational symposium, most recently a tea and lecture, furthers the goals of the Unit and delights our guests.
We meet on the third Monday of each month at 5:00 pm. From September through May, with a few exceptions, we meet at THE HELM AT THE BOLL LIFE CENTER. Our meetings feature:
If you are interested in attending a meeting, please email us.